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The Brown Noser

Jack Porter

Writer (Retired)

Jack's articles

Kosher Dining Room Quietly Serves up "Gaza Strip" | Feb 27 2009

Students using Brown's kosher dining services on the night of Feb. 3 enjoyed a special meal in honor of the visit by Nadav Tamir, the Consul General of Israel to New England. In addition to the normal kosher fare, students also dined on "Gaza Strip" steaks, a menu item that was thought to have been discontinued after Israel relinquished control over the region in the 2005 Oslo accords.

David Plouffe Still Using Obama Listserv to Beg for Money | Dec 05 2008

The Obama transition team announced this morning that former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe has been using the campaign's database for his own ends. The announcement confirmed reports of e-mails written by Plouffe to Obama supporters following the election.

McCain Proposes Rap-Battle Debate Format | Oct 24 2008

In an effort to gain the youth vote and dismiss his critics' claims that he is out of touch, Republican Presidential Candidate Sen. John McCain of Arizona has challenged his Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, to a "rap-battle" debate on the evening of Nov.

Brown Morning Mail is a Daily Digest of Messages for the Brown Community | Apr 30 2008

A memo released by the Computer Science Department on Monday aimed to clear up confusion about Brown Morning Mail. Sent in response to an overwhelming number of requests for publication in the digest, the memo laid out the criteria being used to select which events are published.

McCain Challenges Huckabee to Waterboarding Contest | Feb 25 2008

"Get your floaties, Mike, we're going for a swim," said Republican presidential candidate John McCain, grabbing competitor Mike Huckabee by the ear last night in front of a Florida crowd. The assault was provoked by Huckabee's comment, "It's just water," which he made in response to a question about the legality of the controversial interrogation technique.

Invisible Hand Gives Wall Street the Shocker | Nov 30 2007

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke struggled to sit down comfortably before Congress following yesterday's devastating drop in the US stock market. Shifting side to side and occasionally standing while he talked, Bernanke attempted to explain to US lawmakers the market forces responsible for the abrupt change in the US economy's performance.