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The Brown Noser

I Wish I Could Go Swimming, But The Pool Is Full Of Goo by Shucks McGee

Published Friday, February 16th, 2024

I really want to go swimming, but, instead of water, the pool is full of goo again! I thought I’d taken care of this already. I mean, I called the pool company and the insurance guys and all that last summer when this happened, but I guess they did a shitty job fixing it up, because here I am a year later, staring at a pool full of goo.
God, it’s hot out in July, and I was so excited to jump into the deep end and cool off a bit. But now I can’t, because instead of chlorinated water, there’s gelatinous green goo that burns when I touch it. I can’t believe I have to deal with this again; it’s such a pain in my ass. I mean, I literally bought this house because of its backyard pool. I haven’t even finished paying off my mortgage, and here comes the goo again, preventing me from diving in and splashing around.
I just want to do a few laps! But I can’t, because the goo has thickened and started bubbling. Ugh. It’s so freaking annoying! Like, can it just go away? I’m sweating in this summer heat and there’s no cool, refreshing water I can swim in. No, the viscous, oozing goo ruined that.