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The Brown Noser

A Capella Member At Back Totally Strumming Ukulele

Published Friday, December 1st, 2017

After hearing the obvious sound of chords being strummed, students listening to a cappella group the Varsity Arrangements reported that someone in the group had to be playing the ukulele the whole time.

“You couldn’t really see for sure because they were all crowded together the way they do,” said Cindy Nguyen, noting that she never actually managed to catch a glimpse of the ukulele. “But there were definitely some sounds coming from the back that did not sound like a human voice.”

“At first I thought they were just doing some really crazy vocal tricks,” said Vincent Walsh, another student who reported hearing a singer strumming a stringed instrument. “But there’s no way any combination of human voices can strum like that. It had to be a ukulele, or maybe a banjo or something like that.”

Sources report that other members of the group carefully positioned themselves so that the group member who was obviously playing the ukulele could never be fully seen.

“They really put in a lot of effort to cover it up. A few of the guys were even trying to open their mouths at the same time that chords were being played so it looked like they were making those noises,” said Mike Cleary, adding that it wasn’t all that convincing.

Not to be outdone, a rival a capella group was obviously concealing a full four-piece band during their set.

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