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The Brown Noser

Boy Mom Bought These Reinforced Jeans Because Wow Are These Boys Rambunctious

Published Friday, May 12th, 2023

Sources report that local boy mom McKenzie Logan just bought these reinforced jeans because golly are these boys rowdy.

“These jeans are such a lifesaver for a boy mom like me,” said Logan, showing off the pants’ heavy-duty cargo pockets where she stores juice pouches for the thirsty boys. “I can’t imagine wrangling my three wild little men in normal clothes!”

“The reinforced knees are my favorite feature, because my cuties just get so unruly,” continued Logan, wrenching apart two of her toddlers who were wrestling in the yard. “Maybe they’re not the most stylish pants, but there’s more to being a boy mom than looking cute!”

“I’m thinking of buying a pair for every day of the week,” said Logan, who was rushing off to her third soccer game this weekend. “And they wash so easily too, which I need because wow do these boys get grimy. I’d wholeheartedly recommend them to all the other brave boy moms out there.”

At press time, a college student was buying extra-strength melatonin because damn are they tired.

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