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The Brown Noser

Campus Market Cashier Really Setting Up Camp Back There

Published Friday, April 19th, 2019

Customers at the Campus Market have reported that student cashier Brandon Day is really setting up camp back there.

“It must get pretty boring behind the register,” said Shannon Carlson ’22. “I totally get bringing some homework or a good book, but he went the extra mile and brought blankets and a little mug of tea, and he has his feet kicked up on the counter like he owns the place.”

“He must have a pretty long shift,” Carlson continued as the cashier took off his shoes and replaced them with cozy slippers. “At least he’s comfortable.”

“He’s unpacking some sort of daypack now. It looks like he brought enough food and water to last him a couple days at least. He’s really getting settled. And—oh, is that a tent?”

At press time, Day was simmering some canned beans over a tiny portable stove.

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