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The Brown Noser

Desperate Scooby Doo Villain Pulls Out Gun

Published Friday, December 13th, 2024

Desperate Scooby Doo villain William Earl Von-Badsley reportedly pulled out a gun after being apprehended by the Mystery Gang.

“I spent like $90,000 on expensive contraptions, costuming, decor, and I spent countless hours coming up with this crazy story… and for what? For some meddling kids to get in the way? No way am I gonna let that happen,” stated Von-Badsley as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pistol. “Get the fuck away from me, or I’ll fucking shoot! I’ve got nothing to lose!”

“Jinkies! He’s got a Beretta 3032 Tomcat!” shouted Velma, losing her glasses as she quickly stumbled away from Von-Badsley. “Oh no, my glasses! I can’t see!”

“I swear to God, I’ve had it up to here!” shouted Von-Badsley, interrupting the cacophony of the Mystery Gang simultaneously saying their various catchphrases. “Oh, you guys think you’re so high and mighty just because you walk around with your little flashlights and find your little clues and ruin my years of planning… I’m gonna show each and every one of you why you can’t just go snooping around into things that you don’t understand. Starting with that stupid talking dog! He’s gonna be the first one with a bullet in his skull!”

At press time, police responded to reports of a ractive rooter in the ricinity.