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The Brown Noser

Devoted CS15 TA Stays In Character As "Local Variable 2" For Days Before Skit

Published Friday, September 13th, 2019

To prepare for an upcoming educational skit about how variables work in Java, devoted CS15 TA Cameron Behr has reportedly committed himself to staying in character as “Local Variable 2” for several days leading up to the performance.

“Cam has taken rehearsing for this skit way too seriously,” said Emily Toolan, another TA for the introductory computer science course playing the part of “Parameter 1” in a scene with Behr. “Ever since he was cast as one of the local variables, he’s been constantly behaving as if he’s really just some stored information that can only be referenced inside a particular code block. He won’t even talk to anyone playing a character in a different scene, unless they’re a global variable."

Toolan also expressed concern about what Behr might do when his scene ends, recalling that Java variables are automatically deleted when they’re no longer in use. “I don’t know if he’ll ever be able to take himself out of this character again, especially if he acts like he’s ceased to exist after playing his part.”

As Behr continued diving deeper into his role, his friends reportedly wondered whether he’d ever be able to regain the weight he lost to play the 32-bit integer.

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