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The Brown Noser

Eden Was Awesome Until We Saw Each Other Naked by Eve

Published Friday, September 22nd, 2023

Eden was super fun at first! I mean, we had a whole paradise to ourselves, and Adam and I just, like, ran around laughing, and there were all these insane flowers, ones that existed in colors the human eye can’t even see anymore.

Then God was like, “Realize that you’re naked! Be ashamed!” And everything got sooo awkward. Adam and I were always close friends, but there was never anything sexual about it. Honestly. But there are some things you can’t unsee, and it wasn’t that every interaction became sexually charged or anything; it was more like every time I saw him from then on, I knew what he looked like under that loincloth.

Frolicking with Adam became this whole thing, because we were both acting like we hadn’t seen each other completely in the nude, but at the same time, we were thinking about it, and then trying not to think about it. Everytime we hung out, it was like we were each trying to make the other feel less awkward, which just made us both uncomfortable. I even stopped noticing the aromatic scent that always surrounded us, and the glitter that coated the garden grass.

It’s like, I don’t regret eating that apple. I just wish we could go back to being regular friends living in a utopia, not a guy and a girl who’ve seen each others’ full bodies.