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The Brown Noser

Ethical Pescatarian Only Eats Meat From Cows Drowned In Ocean

Published Friday, April 9th, 2021

Drawing a personal line in the sand for which foods she believes are ethical to consume, local pescatarian Meghan Delaney made clear that she only eats meat from cows that drowned in the ocean.

“I agree with vegetarians that eating most meat is unethical, but I do make an exception for certain seafoods — like cows that are drowned instead of slaughtered,” Delaney said, explaining that she believes land animals experience significantly more suffering than sea creatures and drowning land animals. “Morally speaking, I can’t eat meat that comes from a living, breathing animal with thoughts and feelings like a cow. But if you were to drop that cow into the ocean instead and let it struggle to stay afloat before eventually sinking to the bottom, then yeah, I’d maybe have a cut of that beef.”

“I can’t personally support an industry that massacres countless animals for their meat, unless the animals are killed by suffocation under the sea, in which case it’s fine,” Delaney continued, noting that she makes this exception partly for pragmatic reasons in order to ensure she can get some protein from deep sea steaks and burgers. “Just put yourself in the terrifying position of a cow who’s forced into a gruesome death at a filthy, cramped factory farm. Then put yourself in the position of a cow who’s pushed overboard from the deck of a ship before vanishing beneath the waves below, and see? It’s not as bad.”

Delaney also noted that she does her best to find locally sourced meat from cows drowned in nearby swimming pools.

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