A group of nine spunky third-graders who formed a club called “Stop Global Poverty” a few months ago announced on Tuesday that they had successfully ended all the suffering, hunger and disease caused by global poverty.
Through a series of bake sales, glittery posters and impassioned lunchtime announcements at their elementary school, the group was able to do what world leaders and activists have been trying to do for generations.
The children said that the key to their success lay in their ability to work hard and stick together. “We really wanted to end global poverty so we met at Kelly’s house after school,” said club leader Cassie Steinman. “We made posters and Rice Krispie treats and then we fed and clothed billions of people.”
“These kids have heart, and that’s what matters when you’re dealing with global poverty,” said Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund. “We’ve been waiting for the youth of our generation to take a stand and get serious about this issue and other problems facing our world. With some petitions and some spunk, there’s nothing these kids can’t do."
She added, “Mrs. Wallace’s fourth-graders recently collected enough box tops to end genocide in Sudan. Now that’s what I call school spirit!”
“Our teacher told us that we could make a difference if we did our best and tried to help people,” said third-grader Maddy Kenyon. “Plus I get a new Girl Scout badge for this.”