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The Brown Noser

Guy Using Teeth To Scrape Muffin Remnants Off Paper Like Bottom-Dwelling Catfish

Published Friday, December 3rd, 2021

After swiftly finishing his banana nut muffin from Starbucks, area man Brandon Ford was using his teeth to scrape the muffin remnants off the paper like he’s a bottom-dwelling catfish grazing for moss. “My snack was so tasty! I want to make sure I get every last bite,” said Ford, as he dragged his bottom teeth across the wrapper like he was scavenging for algae and other ocean detritus along the sandy seafloor. “Hell, I paid four dollars for this muffin, I might as well eat all of it.” At press time, Ford was eating the muffin crumbs off of his pants like a primate mother ridding her fur of insects.