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The Brown Noser

Hip Professor Actually Just Immature

Published Friday, September 27th, 2024

Recent reports are claiming the University’s hippest professor is actually just immature.

“Hey, just call me Will. No need to be so formal. We’re all just humans here. Professors, students, I just see us as a group of people striving for truth—and hopefully having a little bit of fun. Welcome to electrical engineering, everyone!” said Will, crumpling up a piece of paper and shooting it into the trash can. “You won’t need to worry about your grade in this class. I want you guys to be able to have some fun on the weekends. I probably shouldn’t be telling you this but I used to go hard back in my college days. Hell, I could still show you guys a thing or two. Just let me know where you guys are having a party. That would be super funny if I showed up, right? Right?”

“That textbook you all bought that was listed on the syllabus? Don’t worry. We won’t be using that. All the information you need will be on Youtube or illegally copied and distributed via Discord,” Will continued, throwing in unnecessary swear words. “Relax, guys. I know you have enough stress already. Something as silly and inconsequential as thermodynamics should not be adding stress to your life. I promise this is going to be the most fun you’ve had in a course."

At press time, the professor hit his vape and claimed that the ratio was off.

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