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The Brown Noser

I Can’t Wait To Come Back To Campus In September! by Your Dumb Ass On March 12

Published Friday, September 25th, 2020

I know it’s depressing that classes were cancelled, but let’s try to be rational. At least we’ll be back to campus in September!

That’s such a conservative guess too. Like the email never said we WON’T come back after Spring Break. And it looks like commencement is still on! But in the very least, this will all be behind us in September. Imagine how happy we’ll all be. Like the parties that first week back are going to be insane. I can’t wait!

Sure, we’re probably going to be in quarantine until April. Shitty, I know. But afterwards stuff will start to reopen and we can see each other again. And in June, I’ll get to spend the summer in New York for my internship, so that’s something to look forward to! I’ve heard the nightlife there is out of this world. Can’t wait to experience that.

Honestly, it’s sort of cool that this happened. We’re living through history. It’ll probably be a little different when we get back in the fall and we’re all washing our hands a lot, but I bet we’ll all be less paranoid by like October. Once we graduate we’ll all look back on this and laugh!

Oh, you’re a senior? Man, that sucks. I can’t imagine how terrible you must feel about all this. Well, hey, I can definitely swipe you into the Ratty if you come back to visit in the fall. And you can be my guest for spring weekend too — hold me to that, for real! You really got the short end of the stick here.

It’ll be a long couple weeks of hunkering down, but we’ll get through it — just count down the days ’til September!