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The Brown Noser

I Really Care About That BDH Columnist’s Perspective On Divisiveness In Modern American Politics And Will Now Change My Ways by House Speaker Mike Johnson

Published Friday, March 14th, 2025

Dear Fellow Proud Conservative Americans,

Having read the work of Jenny Smith ’27 in the Brown Daily Herald yesterday, I believe it is time for us to change our attitudes. I stand fully with our beloved President Donald J. Trump. But his tactics have gone too far.

As Smith ’27 so eloquently pointed out in her 1000-word column, “the modern American politosphere turned unwittingly cruel when brothers turned their backs on one another. We are not ‘mentally challenged blue-haired woke crooked communist marxist lyin’ fat low-IQ snowflakes’ and ‘republicans.’ We are one. One Nation Under God.”

I was planning on emailing my colleague Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a strongly worded email today. The subject line was drafted as “Hey Dumb Bitch Get a Load of This One,” and the body was a cartoon of male genitalia. But Smith ’27 showed me the error of my ways.

I’ve rephrased my letter: subject line “Dear Beloved and Respected Colleague,” and the body now contains a beautiful image of people of all colors and creeds holding hands in front of our Star Spangled Banner.

I encourage you all to read Smith’s ’27 truly brilliant work. I have seen the error in my ways. I now know kindness is the way.

Peace and Love,
Speaker Mike Johnson