The editors of The College Hill Independent announced that their next issue will consist of a bunch of completely blank papers that will symbolize some shit. “We plan on printing and distributing papers filled with absolutely nothing in order to emphasize some metaphorical garbage about the state of whatever,” Indy Managing Editor Marie Albrite said, downloading a pdf full of empty white pages. “Here at The Indy, we’re focused on investigating and reporting and truth-telling, especially during times of social oppression. To highlight our commitment to social justice, our next issue will not include any writing or art. Our hope is that it will symbolize some trash about some stuff, or at least make people think about all that shit.” At press time, members of the Literary Arts department were going to Xerox their faces as a metaphor for some crap.
Indy Gonna Print A Bunch Of Blank Papers To Symbolize Some Shit

Published Friday, May 3rd, 2024