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The Brown Noser

Kid Gonna Make Most Fucked-Up Mii Imaginable

Published Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Toggling his Wii remote between facial features and head sizes, local child TJ Cluckins reported that he was going to make the most fucked-up Mii imaginable. “None of these facial features will go where they should,” said Cluckins, determined to Frankenstein the most grotesque creature the world has ever seen. “First we’re gonna make him bald, because bald is of course fucked up. Next, dotted eyebrows, rotated ninety degrees so they look like horns. His eyes? Super far apart. Or maybe super close. Oh and they’ll go on the chin. Actually everything’s going on the chin. And one of those huge noses that looks like a penis. Those are hilarious. And eyeshadow of course. Oh and a mole. Moles are fucked up.” At press time, Cluckins named his Mii #$*$&*@$!!#$%^@.

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