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The Brown Noser

Listserv Apologizes For Its Existence With Every Email

Published Friday, October 25th, 2019

Subscribers of the Brown Screen Printing Club’s Listserv announced yesterday that every email takes the form of an apology for its own existence.

“They started off well with their trademark ‘Hey Printies!!!’ opening line,” reported Jason Fine ‘23, who signed up for the club’s Listserv out of a genuine interest in screen printing. “But it got kinda sad when they followed that up with ‘So sorry to send ANOTHER email about the fall print-a-thon! We know how cluttered your inboxes are!’”

“I mean it’s cool that they understand we all get a lot of emails,” added Fine, who truly does not mind receiving updates on screen printing opportunities on campus. “But it was definitely a bit much to conclude their email with ‘(lol only read this if you want! if not, apologies!!! feel free to delete it!!!!!!)’”

At press time, the Brown screen printing club sent another email with the subject line “Location Change for Print-a-thon. SO SO SO SORRY!!!!!!”