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The Brown Noser

Mad Libs Only Adverbs

Published Friday, March 14th, 2025

Mad Libbers all across the nation are furious over a new, adverb-only Mad Lib.

“I thought it was a little weird when there were two or three adverbs in a row, but then it just kept going! All of the interesting parts of the story like the nouns and adjectives were already written, I only got to modify the verbs, which were also pre-written!” complained Charlotte Clackins, pulling up a thesaurus. “I can’t even think of this many adverbs—after the twenty-fifth one, I just started re-using them.”

“Can’t I just have one fucking noun? Or an adjective? I’d even take a color,” cried out Clackins, who had started scribbling out the pre-written nouns, replacing them with her own. “‘The big hippo allegorically went to the river, buoyantly and pimply drank some water, electorally took a bath, and then hydroponically went superstitiously home.’ Like, give me a break. At this point, I’d rather have a Mad Lib with nothing to fill in than more of these goddamn adverbs.”

At press time, a group of middle school boys were about to recite the most vulgar, X-rated Mab Lib story.