Signaling what is for many the official arrival of spring on campus, Brown University’s Main Green has ripened into a delicious Main Orange. “There’s nothing better than meeting up with good friends at the Main Orange in April and slurping down the fruit by the handful,” said Lisa Gable ‘21 as piquant juice from the Main Orange dripped down her chin. “I’m so jealous of people that live in Slater or Hope because they get to enjoy the succulent Main Orange right when they wake up and the fruit is at its most delectable! I’m just sad that this year it’s unsafe for us to all gather and lick the citrusy ground together.” In North Campus, freshmen studying at Brown this summer will get to experience Pembroke Quad maturing into a sweet Pembroke Quince.
Main Green Ripens Into Delicious Main Orange

Published Friday, April 9th, 2021