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The Brown Noser

Man Deriving Sadistic Pleasure From Holding Door For Person 50 Feet Away

Published Friday, April 22nd, 2022

Area student Gunther Twong ’25 was reportedly deriving sadistic pleasure as he held a door open for a woman who was 50 feet away. “Yes, come to me. That’s right, do your dainty little run-walk thingy. Struggle, you oaf. Shuffle my way. Ah, yes! Shuffle!” said Twong, experiencing a rush of euphoria at the thought of inviting someone to awkwardly wobble for ten painfully long seconds. “This is right. This is good for me. I have all the power. You have nothing, you miserable worm!” At press time, a nearby man was feeling a staggering sense of social consciousness after telling a stranger that their backpack was unzipped.

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