Facing the deadline for changing grade options, Meiklejohn Liz Guerrero has decided to take one of her advisees S/NC.

“I know everyone says not to take 5 advisees, but I was feeling ambitious this semester,” said Guerrero. “My advising partner told me it’s not that weird for people to take one S/NC every semester.”
“He studies Sociology, which is outside of my concentration,” said Guerrero. “And my other four advisees are STEM kids, so I need to spend a lot of time on them.”
“Obviously I’ll check in during midterms and finals, but I just can’t devote that much time during the rest of the semester,” Guerrero reported. “Plus this stays internal. It’s not like employers will know how much effort I put into advising this kid.”
At press time, Guerrero was considering dropping her fifth advisee altogether.