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The Brown Noser

Mushroom Hunter Helpless Without Rifle

Published Friday, March 14th, 2025

Local mushroom hunter Chip Dunkirk was recently in dire straits after being caught in the woods without his trusty hunting rifle.

“How could I have been so careless?! I’ve been mushroom hunting for thirty years, and I’ve never been caught unarmed before,” whispered Dunkirk from behind a nearby tree to avoid being spotted by wild mushrooms. “These bastards are ruthless if you let them get too close. I remember when my old buddy Ronnie got caught by the ‘shrooms without his gun. They ripped the poor son of a bitch to shreds and scattered his remains among the same accursed foliage that I trek today. And now I fear that a similar fortune awaits me.”

“If I’ve got any chance of making it home today, I oughta think fast. No sane man would try to best a mushroom in a knife fight, so I’ll have to be stealthy,” added Dunkirk as an army of entirely immobile mushrooms closed in around his perimeter. “Maybe if I’m lucky, they’ll mistake me for a moose or a really tall pine cone. And if I’m not so lucky…tell my wife I love her.”

At press time, a bargain hunter was helpless without his trusty coupon book.