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The Brown Noser

Novice Equestrian Leads Horse To Water Mere Moments Before Learning Critical Lesson About The Illusion Of Control

Published Friday, March 14th, 2025

A local man who is inexperienced with horses is leading his horse to water with zeal, seconds away from learning a major life lesson about the uncontrollable nature of reality.

“Well, the first part of my plan is to lead my horse to water, and once I get there, the second part of my plan is to make him drink,” drawled Jedidiah Boswell, confidently swaggering over to the watering hole with his stubborn American Appaloosa in tow, seconds away from being forcefully humbled. “Not sure how this could possibly go wrong.”

“I mean, this horse is so easy to control. Look, he just goes where I want him to go when I pull on his lead,” continued Boswell, still under the impression that he could manipulate his horse’s renal system and somehow command it to be thirsty. “I haven’t yet run into a circumstance which does not obey my general needs. Any problem can quickly and easily be molded into a solution. I am truly the master of my own universe. Yes, sir, life on the ranch is going to be easy for me, Jedidiah Boswell!”

At press time, Boswell suggested a good beating was just the thing to revive a dead horse.