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The Brown Noser

Now Is The Time For Us All To Come Together And Pull My Car Out Of This Sinkhole

Published Friday, February 5th, 2021

Right now, we are in a moment of crisis. Divided we will fail, but united we can meet this moment and overcome. The sun is shining overhead. The air is crisp and clean. My Honda is only a few feet underground and it’s totally retrievable.

Friends, loved ones, Americans: now is the time for us all to come together and pull my car out of this sinkhole.

I know some of us might feel the instinct to litigate the past. Some of us might not have agreed with the choices others have made, but we must assume good faith from all parties. Could I have taken seriously that sign that said “no parking due to high risk of sinkhole?” Obviously. But it does no one good to judge the past by the moral standards of today.

We cannot continue to dwell and dole out blame. We must look forward to the future and down a few feet into the asphalt and figure out how we’re gonna get beneath my Civic and push.

Now, I understand that some people here do not have faith in all that we can do together. I have heard your pleas to call a towing company. But, once again, the needs of this moment fall squarely on us, here and now. May I remind you that if I have to call AAA one more time my license will be revoked.

When I look around at your faces today, I don’t see man or woman; I don’t see Democrat or Republican, I don’t see Black or white. I see 4 pairs of arms and legs fully able to push my Honda while I stand aside and lead with my voice and my heart.

Together all things are achievable. The future is bright. Lift with your knees.