Friday, March 28, 2025
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The Brown Noser

yea ngl I’d kms too lol by Your CAPS Therapist

Published Friday, March 14th, 2025

lol i keep getting these depressed ass kids showing up to my office in wellness. you wouldn’t believe it. like this kid came to me yesterday and was like “my dad has been cheating on my mom for a decade and i found out yesterday and now im not sure if love is real”

and, i mean, i was just trying to empathize but like idk like obviously your parents divorce sucks? and im not even sure how to help bc my parents have been happily married for 25 yrs? like tbh seems like a better question for a priest or a rabbi or a monk or someone with a connection to a higher power or something :( sry

so i was like “awww that sucks” and this kid looked at me with a blank stare. like dude tf did u want from me? like it sucks so i said it sucks idk. and then this kid hits me with the “aren’t u supposed to be able to help me with this? i mean my family is in shambles and my little sister ran away from home because of this and my mom called my dad a manwhore and its all so crazy right now. im not sure how i can go on with this news”

and, honestly, i thought on it and i was like TLDR is ngl i’d kms too lol

apparently we aren’t supposed to say that to the kids these days but like i’m just trying to be real with them, man? like ur life sounds sorta bad ngl :(

anyways, gtg i have to run and go celebrate my parents vow renewal in FL. ik u can’t relate lmao. gl with ur stuff.