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The Brown Noser

Of Course Pastor's Favorite Book The Bible

Published Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

What came as a surprise to absolutely no one, Pastor Dan Wainwright revealed to his congregants that his favorite book was the Bible. When asked the question while greeting worshipers after Sunday mass, Wainwright didn’t skip a beat before saying the Bible.

“Although I do have a special place in my heart for ‘Gone With The Wind,’ in my book, nothing beats the good book,” said Wainwright because how else is the guy going to answer? He’s a pastor. “If I were on a desert island, and I could only bring three books, I’d bring three Bibles because I love it that much.”

When pressed on whether the Bible really “counts,” Wainwright made it clear that it’s “got everything you need from a book: suspense, love, and a good message.” He went to school to study this; you shouldn’t expect a different answer from him.

“It’s not that big of a deal,” said congregant Mary Zander, who first brought up the subject. “We know he loves the Bible, but I just wanted to get a picture of the whole person. It practically seems like it’s the only book he’s ever read."

In an effort to get a different answer out of him, someone in the crowd requested that Wainwright tell them his preferred non-religious book. He responded that every book is religious. Unbelievable.

Following a churchgoer’s inquiry as to what his favorite part of the Bible was, Wainwright obviously responded how any pastor would.

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