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The Brown Noser

Organic Dog Food Mimics Pellets Found In Nature

Published Friday, September 16th, 2022

According to pet industry sources, organic dog food brand Wilderness Feast provides dogs with a nutrient-complete diet by mimicking the pellets a dog would encounter in nature. “Our kibble is specifically designed to recreate the type of uniform brown circles that the dog’s wolf ancestors would have eaten,” said Wilderness Feast spokesperson Jennifer Kilgore, explaining how this brand uses only the ingredients that occur naturally in the shelf-stable pellets in nature. “Dogs are natural omnivores, so we made sure to have the dog’s kibble eating experience be just like it would be when they ate kibble before being domesticated, whether it be foraging for pellets in the woods, hunting down wild pellets alongside their pack, or using their excellent sense of smell to scavenge for pellets on the forest floor.” At press time, even the fish food company had no idea what was in those flakes.