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The Brown Noser

POINT: I Just Feel Like We’re Growing Apart, Jenna, And I Think That’s Okay / COUNTERPOINT: Yeah, No, For Sure, But Before We Have This Discussion, Can You Please Help Me Out Of This Well?

Published Friday, December 16th, 2022

POINT: I Just Feel Like We’re Growing Apart, Jenna, And I Think That’s Okay

I know we’ve been together for a long time, but things have changed, Jenna. We’ve changed. We’re a lot older than we were when we started dating, and I’m just not sure this is working anymore. I think we need to learn who we are apart from this relationship, and I think that’s totally normal.
I still love you — part of me will probably always love you, but that doesn’t mean we should stay together just because it’s comfortable. Things between us have been weird for a while now, I know you’ve noticed it too, and it might be time to take a step back instead of forcing our relationship into something it hasn’t been for a long time.
It’s gonna be hard, Jenna, but you’re so important to me that I need to be honest with you. Say something. Please.

COUNTERPOINT: Yeah, No, For Sure, But Before We Have This Discussion, Can You Please Help Me Out Of This Well?

Yeah, no, that’s like a really good point and we should definitely talk about it, but before we do that, can you please help me out of this well?

I totally feel like this is a super important conversation to have! But, to be absolutely honest, I’m also stuck at the bottom of this old-timey well, and I don’t think I can look at the situation objectively if I’m 600 feet underground in a stone tube meant to hold enough water for the entire region.

I completely get that you’re not as happy as you could be, and I really respect that, even though I can’t hear you very well because you’re at street level and I’m deep, deep within the earth, where my only companions are clumps of dirt and ancient dead worms. As soon as you help me out of this cylindrical rock prison, we should for sure keep this discussion going!

I love you, too, but sometimes love isn’t enough, just like sometimes a tiny slice of daylight leaking into the black, almost-bottomless pit of this well isn’t enough to keep me in my right mind! We one-hundred percent should figure out our romantic situation, but could you call the fire department really quick first? All I can smell are mildewing rocks and the ghosts of frontier women lowering wooden buckets deeper and deeper into the claustrophobic darkness.

What you’re saying about not forcing our relationship is super valid and on my mind! But I’ve also been eating nothing but dead leaves the past few days, so it would be so helpful if you could help me get out of here. You’re incredibly important to me! And something else important to me is getting out of this well, so could you give me a hand for a sec?