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The Brown Noser

POINT: Swiper, No Swiping! by Dora the Explorer / COUNTERPOINT: Know You Not My Name? by Swiper the Fox

Published Friday, May 3rd, 2024

POINT: Swiper, No Swiping! by Dora the Explorer

Swiper, no swiping! Say it with us! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!

COUNTERPOINT: Know You Not My Name? by Swiper the Fox

Are you so foolish as to taunt nominal determinism? Dare you charge me with a task paradoxical to my very existence, my discursive being? May the housefly not fly, the grasshopper not hop? How foolish you are to defy God’s logic! You and your anthropomorphic backpack, whatever cursed and malformed being that is, shall never stand against the power immanent in my name. To think that you might flout the order of the universe is pure hubris. Ha! Take your foolish commands elsewhere, child, for impelling me to cease theft is a Sisyphean endeavor. I will swipe, or I will be damned, for it is who I am and all I am.