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The Brown Noser

Paper Airplane Class Really Stressing Student’s MyPrint Budget

Published Friday, February 7th, 2025

Reports from Page-Robinson Hall indicate that a paper airplane class was really putting a strain on local student Kevin McNellis’s MyPrint budget.

“I have to take ‘PAPR 0103: Introduction to Paper Airplane Studies: Design and Praxis’ as a requirement,” said McNellis ’25, whose hands were scarred with dozens of tiny, irritating cuts. “I don’t know how they expect us to print all this.”

“I might have to resort to Allegra,” said McNellis, who had depleted his MyPrint allowance for the year in thousands of 12 cent increments. “My other professors keep telling me to print the readings, but I have to tell them I just spent 600 dollars on paper for another class.”

“I don’t know how long I can keep doing this,” added McNellis, who was forced to print a recent essay on a napkin. “This needs to be factored into tuition costs.”

At press time, McNellis was a top ten contributor to deforestation.