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The Brown Noser

Pilot Only Gets Scared During Takeoff And Landing

Published Friday, October 30th, 2015

Saying he closes his eyes real tight every time, licensed pilot Andy Flank reportedly only gets scared of flying during takeoff and landing, things that happen all the time in his line of work. “Whenever I take off or land a plane, it gets all shaky, and I hold my breath,” said the very experienced pilot of 15 years, adding that things get much easier once the plane he’s operating reaches cruising altitude. “I know it’s silly, but I always think I’m going to run the plane straight off the tarmac and hit a building and die. Six or eight times a day, I have a mini panic attack while controlling a not-so-mini plane! I hate takeoffs and landings so much.” At press time, Flank winced as he flew another plane into a patch of turbulence.

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