Sources report that your professor is actually equally, if not more, nervous than you are for office hours.
“I put on extra deodorant, and I’ve been reapplying every hour on the hour,” said Professor of Mathematics Dr. Adam Richards, sweat stains beginning to form on his khaki button-up. “I hope they can’t tell I didn’t do the readings,” he added while frantically flipping through a textbook. “I mean, do we even have readings for math?”
“I made sure to brush my teeth three times this morning,” said the professor, who was later seen in the bathroom reading off what he was going to say in the mirror and practicing his best thoughtful nod. "I’ve also packed breath mints for reinforcement.”
“I have my notes here with the answers and everything so I don’t blank,” said Richards, shakily holding up a torn and tear-stained sheet of paper. “The only problem is I can’t remember what question they asked in class on Tuesday.”
“I just hope they don’t try to shake hands,” remarked the professor as he wiped his hands on his pants for the umpteenth time. “I tend to get a little clammy.”
At press time, your TA was dreading grading your test just as much as you were dreading taking it.