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The Brown Noser

Professor Who Beats Students with Sticks and Imprisons TAs in Department Catacombs Receives “Mixed Reviews” According to Critical Review

Published Friday, December 16th, 2022

Sources report that Charles Fletchley, a professor known to beat students with sticks and imprison TAs in the catacombs of the department office received a meek “mixed reviews” according to the Critical Review.

“Students’ opinions on Professor Fletchley were a mixed bag,” reported the Critical Review, pointedly ignoring the 50 reviews from students claiming that Fletchley publicly humiliated and smacked a student with a massive plank of bark for coming ten minutes late to lecture. “Some felt he could be a little blunt, but most loved his spunky and fiery attitude.”

“Reporters sometimes felt that Professor Fletchley read off the slides too quickly, but all of them admired his sheer knowledge on the course material,” continued the Critical Review, despite having gotten tips from five students that the professor kept his TAs in the musty, moldy tunnels below the department office. “They believed his passion for the subject facilitated effective learning in the classroom, despite occasionally being a little harsh on his undergraduate teaching assistants.”

“Any prospective student who’s had an interest in literally anything ever should definitely take the course!” concluded the Critical Review, equally weighing the lukewarm positive reviews and the horrifyingly negative reviews. “One student says, ‘This class is truly something else!’”

At press time, the Brown Daily Herald wrote that the 2-8 Brown football team had a “relatively strong season.”

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