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The Brown Noser

Prospective Student Totally Getting Accepted After Writing Thank You Note To Tour Guide

Published Friday, April 20th, 2018

Signing his name at the end of a heartfelt and lengthy letter to his tour guide, prospective student Anthony Atkins concluded he was totally getting into Brown as a result of his thank you note.

“It’s pretty much a sure bet now,” said Atkins, a high school junior from Boston, explaining how he tailored the thank you note directly to his tour guide. ""I mentioned the open curriculum, our mutual love for computer science, and even a playful jab about the Red Sox beating the Yankees because she’s from New York. She is definitely going to forward this email to the admissions office and I’ll be set.”

In his letter, Atkins, who’s tour group had 34 other prospective students, emphasized his perceived connections to the tour guide.

“She must have a lot of sway with the admissions office since she’s a tour guide,” Atkins continued. "So I know she’ll help me out. I made sure to remind her I was the one who asked about creating new clubs on campus, just so she can put a face with my name. Plus, she’ll remember me because I shook her hand and asked her for lunch recommendations when the tour ended. I’m pretty much a shoe-in at this point.”

At press time, Peters deleted the email without reading it.

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