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The Brown Noser

Racehorse Wondering If It Cherished Member Of Family Or Asset

Published Friday, December 8th, 2023

Reflecting on his career, local racehorse, Pomp and Circumstance, is beginning to wonder whether he’s considered a cherished member of the family or just a quickly fluctuating financial asset.
“Oh sweetie, you love getting pets, don’t you, boy?” Circumstance’s owner, Mike Tiaglo, rhetorically asked as the horse considered whether it was more likely that his adoptive family brought him in as a cherished pet with whom to share their love or simply because Mr. Tiaglo’s Christmas bonus was the biggest it had been since he took the job as regional VP and he had some extra cash to feed his high-risk investment strategy. “Yes, you do! Yes, you do!”
“You’re going to run so fast this weekend, aren’t you, boy? Especially when that potential buyer from Louisville comes to watch you run, right, boy?” added Tiaglo as Circumstance further considered whether he felt his role in the Tiaglo family was closer to that of a cousin welcomed in with open arms and made to feel at home or a volatile mutual fund whose importance is less its financial viability and more so distracting Mr. Tiago from his issues at home. “You’re the fastest pony on the track, Pomp, and I love fast ponies.”
At press time a local dog was wondering if it was adopted to serve as a best friend or as a mental health professional.

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