Announcing his position in a 5000-word Wordpress manifesto Wednesday, reasonable QAnon supporter Thomas Kendall only wants to kill the members of Congress in the pedophile cabal, not the reptilian ones.
“I will be hunting and tactically eliminating the Congressmen involved in the global pedophile cabal very soon,” Kendall levelheadedly states in the first section of his restrained and centrist manifesto, titled ‘Declaration of Crusade Against the Swamp.’ “However, the reptilian humanoid members of Congress will be spared for now – we can’t act recklessly and endanger the integrity of our movement. While Q has extensively detailed the reptilians’ cooperation with the Cabal, their strategic opposition to China makes them a temporarily necessary ally as we work to overthrow the illegitimate Biden regime.”
“Let me be clear: the reptilian Congresspeople are not innocent. But they deserve a fair shake and a fair trial,” Kendall explains in the incrementalist manifesto’s second-to-last section, titled ‘The Barron Contingency.’ “Unlike the Pedophile Cabal, who Trump and Q have already deputized us to terminally neutralize, the reptilian Congresspeople have not lethally betrayed The Cause or openly attacked President Trump. This means that they’re targets to consider later, so my impending attack on Congress will focus exclusively on the Pedophiles.”
At press time, Kendall wrote that QAnon patriots should devote recourses to hunting down the cannibal elites only after eliminating the satanist ones, so as to not alienate moderates.