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The Brown Noser

Recent NPR News Hour Just 60 Minutes of Jazzy Clarinet Interludes

Published Friday, March 9th, 2018

NPR’s “Morning Edition” skipped the news today in favor of a uninterrupted hour of jazzy clarinet interludes, listeners report. Although the popular radio program touts itself as a leader in world news, this morning it delivered obscure jazz in lieu of hard-hitting stories right up until “Morning Concert” took the air at 9:00.

“I love the little snippets of music they throw in between segments,” said listener Molly Koehler, “and this morning it took me a while to realize they actually weren’t gonna do the news, just a bunch of 4-second clarinet solos they appear to have found on the Jazz & Blues page of Soundcloud.”

Although Koehler found the format unconventional, she was unfazed by the journalistic choice. “I can’t say I’m surprised. Those interludes are the highlight of the hour, so why beat around the bush?”

At press time, producers were queuing up an hour of classical guitar riffs for this afternoon’s edition of “Fresh Air.”