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The Brown Noser

Report: Beat Drop Extremely Expected

Published Friday, November 1st, 2024

“I could just hear it coming from a mile away,” said listener John Kingston. “I mean, it follows the format that every song seems to follow these days. A slow start, a mild buildup, a moment of silence, and then the drop comes crashing in. When I first heard it in the club, nobody was surprised in the slightest.”

The beat drop in DJ TwoTime’s new song is extremely expected, early reports

“I’ve even seen some people calculating its exact timing from the pace of the 808s, and it doesn’t take any high-level calculations, I can tell you that,” Kingston continued, surrounded by bored listeners. “People have even taken to using it as an in-club timer. Take a quick bathroom break, be back by the time the beat drop comes, that sort of thing.”

At press time, TwoTime’s album announcement caught nobody by surprise.