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The Brown Noser

Report: Entire Indy Staff Has Matching Clogs Now

Published Friday, September 13th, 2019

Conspicuously clomping up and down campus hallways, multiple sources have reported that the entire staff of Brown/RISD weekly The College Hill Independent has matching clogs now. “Yeah I guess they all wore clogs anyway and thought it’d be better to match,” one onlooker suspected as 30-some Indy staff members headed to a meeting in identical pairs of chunky, slightly-heeled clogs. “And they go with the whole vibe of the Indy so maybe they put in a mass order for this one specific pair. It’s definitely a statement, but I’m not sure what about.” At press time, the Indy added a section to their paper called “~C*L*O*G~” that was a blurry, sepia-toned photo of the clogs.