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The Brown Noser

Rhode Island State Legislator Eager to Hear From Student Who’s Lived Here for Three Months

Published Friday, December 1st, 2017

Speaking with reporters this afternoon, Narragansett State Senator Lisa Jenkins expressed her eagerness to hear the perspective of new student volunteers who arrived for the day at the statehouse. “I can’t wait to hear what they have to say,” said an excited Senator Jenkins about the upcoming state budget meeting. “These issues might be complex, but some of these students really could be able to fix the state’s longstanding gridlock. Who says a 19 year old Anthropology major and temporary Rhode Island resident won’t know about the intricacies of our state?” At press time, the entire state assembly listened with rapt attention as a local student explained how to solve Cranston’s school issues only by comparing it to their home district in Chicago.

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