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The Brown Noser

Rookie Ambulance Driver Screaming Along With Siren

Published Friday, September 16th, 2016

Sources inside Manascus Hospital report that rookie EMT Will Bannister gets so wrapped up in things that he can’t help but scream along with the siren of the ambulance he’s driving. “Get out of the way!” Bannister was heard to scream, his excited voice mingling with the blaring alarm issuing from the roof of the vehicle as he leaned his head out of the open window and yelled at the top of his lungs at motorists who had already pulled over when they heard the sirens moments before. “We’re driving to the hospital! Everyone needs to pull over so this ambulance can get through! We’ve got an injured person in the back! Thanks for your cooperation! Ahhhhhh!” At press time, Bannister was in the operating room making beeping noises along with the heart monitor.

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