In a press conference on Thursday, Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson announced the chain’s plans for a new, lukewarm brew coffee that’ll be perfect on temperate, 60-degree days. “If you can’t decide on iced or hot coffee when it’s cool, yet also humid, you’ll love our new Lukewarm Brew," Johnson announced, explaining that Starbucks is capitalizing on a gaping hole in the market for a versatile coffee blend that hits the spot in any climate. “We brew our signature blonde roast and leave it on the counter for a day or two so it has plenty of time to settle to room temperature. Once it hits that sweet spot of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s ready for our customers to enjoy. Not too hot, not too cold. It’s the perfect drink for those days when you might wear a light jacket, but not a coat.” At press time, Starbucks was testing a coffee prototype for extremely hot days that’s just a solid block of ice.