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The Brown Noser

Student Excited To Launch Start-Up That Will Be Endlessly Ridiculed By His Peers

Published Friday, April 22nd, 2022

Psyching himself up to press “post” on his soon-to-be-updated LinkedIn page, entrepreneurial sophomore Charlie Walsh is excited to announce the launch of “CoinScape,” a start-up that will be endlessly ridiculed by his peers.

“I’m so proud to launch CoinScape, a totally student-run company aimed at getting young people involved with cryptocurrency,” wrote Walsh in a post that spread around his peers like wildfire, with everyone absolutely ravenous to make fun of it. “Think about CoinScape like Uber for crypto, but we’re also educators.”

“I’m so grateful for the support of my friends and family as I undergo this business venture,” said Walsh, completely unaware that his friends and family have started group chats with the sole intent of viciously tearing CoinScape apart. “And of course, I’m so grateful for my new CoinScape family. Let’s change the world together!”

Reportedly, while Walsh is ecstatic with the number of visits CoinScape’s website is getting, he is also completely oblivious to the fact that 90% of those hits are people from Brown making fun of it.

“At CoinScape, we also aim to reduce the stigma associated with crypto,” wrote Walsh in a statement that caused one of his classmates to fully spit out her coffee and another to publicly shout, “pick one thing!” “CoinScape launches today, and with it, a new way to engage in the economy."

At press time, CoinScape has made Walsh $500,000 in a matter of six weeks.

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