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The Brown Noser

Student Hopes Recession Will Lead To Decrease In Male Economics Concentrators

Published Friday, December 16th, 2022

Following the recent news that the economy might go into a recession, sophomore Debra Fisch is hopeful that the amount of male economics concentrators at Brown will decrease.

“I remember turning on the TV and seeing the news. I was so upset that the market was tanking,” said Debra, hiding her relief at the prospect of fewer men becoming econ concentrators. “It really is a shame. I would hate to see this affect the student body somehow…"

Closely monitoring the country’s economic state, Fisch excitedly shared how she firmly believes that the increase in interest rates will eventually decrease the interest rate to pursue an economics degree for male students at Brown.

“I remember this guy from my freshman hall getting all worked up about the stock market right now. His parents got hit pretty hard last time this happened. I think he said they had to sell their lake house in Vermont,” said Fisch, biting back a grin. “It just breaks my heart to see all these econ concentrators going through this. It must be so hard for them. It would be so sad if there were fewer of them on campus."

At press time, Fisch was hopeful that the U.S.A.’s World Cup loss would lead to a decrease in student athletes.

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