TBH we’re not really friends but we went to the same elementary school and we go to the same middle school now and I always see you around the hallways and you seem funny and cool ig. We might’ve had homeroom together last year but idrk cuz we didn’t sit together. I lowkey think you were in my math class tho with Mrs. Sisemore. She sucked lol. That class was actually the worst #traumabonded.
I think ur also friends with Jed and Harry on my soccer team. I don’t think you play soccer cuz you were never on our travel team but I once saw you at the mall with them. Harry also said he’s inviting you to his bar mitzvah next year. Maybe I’ll invite you to mine but my mom said I can only invite 75 friends so idrk.
Also no cap I know a girl that has a crush on you but I can’t tell you who because I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone. I think she liked me last year and people were shipping us together. I’ll give you a hint tho. She’s blonde. But that’s as much as I can reveal cuz I don’t want to give it away. Okay gtg finish my hw. Rate 7.5/10. Hag1.