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The Brown Noser

Tall Boy Humbled By Webcam Angle

Published Friday, September 25th, 2020

According to his classmates, tall boy Ben Smithston was humbled by his webcam angle over Zoom.

“The camera makes Ben look all weird over Zoom," said classmate Kathy Wilson, watching Smithston make a double chin as he struggled to look at the camera like a normal person. “It’s not very flattering at all.”

“Sometimes he moves the webcam in a way so whole screen is just his neck,” Wilson continued as Smithston gave the class a direct view of his Adam’s apple. “You can even see little hairs on the bottom of his chin. Gross.“

“He tried adjusting the height of his camera earlier, but now there’s this weird shadow on him," Wilson added while Smithston’s nose cast an ugly blob across his face. “Maybe if he crouched down a little bit, things would look better."

At press time, all the short boys in the class were mostly forehead.

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