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The Brown Noser

The Customer Is Always

Published Friday, November 2nd, 2012

Congratulations on getting this job! We're happy that you're joining our team here and we look forward to working with you to help improve our business by ensuring we provide the best possible shopping experience for our customers!

Before you begin at your new position, we would just like to familiarize you with the most critical tenet of our customer service policy, our official customer service motto:

"The Customer Is Always!"

Unfortunately, many people take issue with this idea, at least at first. "How could the customer always be?" some might ask. "Surely the customer must not be at some point in time. Surely we all are, owing to our human nature, at one time or another, not."


Because of the unique nature of our business mission, we can confidently state that, when it comes to serving our customers, the customer is always. No matter what, at all times, without exception. It's that simple!

If, while assisting a customer, you find yourself thinking, "I do not believe that this customer is," perhaps you should, instead, consider the possibility and, in fact, high probability that you yourself are not.

It's not always easy to see things this way. You might find yourself in the midst of a confrontation with a customer who believes that they are and that you are not. You might even want to simply shut your eyes, place your fingers firmly in your ears, and say to yourself, "This customer is not! I am! I am! I am!"

Once again, incorrect. The customer is always! You, however, are not always! Sorry, but that’s just the way we do things here.

Other customers can be difficult to assist because they will almost insist that they are not, even though you try to make it clear to them that they actually always are! It's your job to help affirm these self-doubting customers that they definitely are! Remember, customers that believe that they are not don’t buy anything.

If a situation should arrive where the customer, for whatever reason, is suddenly overwhelmed by the thought that they might not be, there are several strategies you can use to convince them that they are.

1. Affirm customers on their impeccable taste! EXAMPLE:

Customer: I like these pants but I’m not sure about them. Do they look?

You: Not only do they look, but they definitely are. Great taste!

2. If a customer asks you a question, try to make it seem like they answered it themselves! EXAMPLE:

Customer: What sizes do these come in?

You: You are! These do come in many sizes. Let me show you!

Customers love to be, but they especially love being told that they are.

3. Confidently assert that you yourself are, and the customer will begin to feel that they are as well. EXAMPLE:

Customer: Are you sure that you are?

You: I am positive that I am. And I believe that you are too!

Ultimately, at the core of a healthy relationship between a business and its customers is a delicate and essential trust. A trust that says I am, We are, and “The Customer is Always.” As long as you keep these things in mind, you should have a great experience working at Foot Locker.

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