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The Brown Noser

Tumultuous Regime Change Destabilizes Student Club

Published Friday, February 4th, 2022

Sources close to the Brown Screenprinting Society report that a rocky shift in leadership is threatening to destabilize the club’s fragile order.

“When campus went remote last year, the club sort of fell by the wayside,” said club member Lucie Graves ‘24, solemnly pondering the precarity of her organization. “When we came back, two different pairs of seniors wanted to be club co-presidents. One group wanted to focus on halftone printing, and the other one wanted to shift to grayscale. This could turn ugly: the club may split in two.”

Historically, the transfer of power has been treated with respect in the screenprinting club, which has been running since 2013. According to those familiar with the situation, this whole ordeal reveals how many of the club’s institutions are based on mere precedent.

“When Lori and Marc graduated and didn’t take applications for president, it created a nasty power vacuum,” continued Graves, holding back tears as her beloved club crumbled around her. “There’s so much hatred. At first, I thought that this isn’t who we are, but now I know better. I just don’t see how the screenprinting club can survive this.”

At press time, students fleeing the chaos of the screenprinting society took refuge in the knitting club.