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The Brown Noser

Unclear Where Water Going To Come Out From On Sleek Modern Sink

Published Friday, November 4th, 2016

Confusedly pressing various parts of a sleek chrome sink, local woman Taylor Hawkins had no idea where water would ultimately come out from on the device. “At first I thought water was going to come from this square part on the left, because it looks sort of like a faucet, but when I looked close there’s no hole anywhere on it where the water could come from. I think it’s just a piece of metal,” explained Hawkins, as she stared at the large, flat piece of granite that appeared to be the basin of the sink. Sources report that Hawkins waited and watched another woman use the sink, in the hopes that she could copy her. However, the other woman appeared to engage the sink with some sort of complicated motion activated movement that Hawkins was unable to replicate. “I guess I should be thankful that the paper towel dispenser is easy to use,” said Hawkins as she attempted to determine whether a metal box soldered to the wall was meant to dispense soap or was just there for decoration “not that I need it, considering that my hands are bone dry.” At press time, Hawkins was seen badly misjudging the water pressure of the faucet and getting water all over her pants.

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