Even in our modern workplace, where tolerance and equal opportunity are talked about openly, the subject of working female bears is somehow still taboo. But I look around and I can’t help but notice, where are all the female bear CEOs?
Many people would argue that this isn’t a question worth asking, that the American workplace doesn’t need female bear CEOs. Take a moment to consider the current state of corporate America. Could the U.S. economy’s failure have something to do with the complete lack of female bears in powerful positions?
Female bears are strong and capable, but their strengths are often dismissed as “terrifying” or “destructive." It is clear that the people making hiring decisions have absorbed the media’s portrayal of female bears and hold a strong bias against them.
Take a moment to honestly consider the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “CEO.” For most people, it’s not a female bear wearing a business suit. What’s holding female bears back? Is the American workplace hostile toward female bears?
It’s true that far fewer female bears apply for corporate jobs than people, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t want those jobs. For generations, bears have been conditioned to think of themselves as forest-dwelling dullards unsuited for the corporate world. Most female bears never even considered themselves potential CEOs.
We need to start teaching female bears from a young age that their potential extends far beyond birthing cubs, eating fish and scurrying up trees. That means taking action: bringing young female bears into offices to learn how companies work, or creating a mentoring program where current CEOs spend time with female bears.
The sad truth is that the majority of Americans still believe a female bear’s place is in the forest. Despite their unparalleled ability to command attention in the board room, many people cannot fathom a female bear running a major company, making important financial decisions, or typing.
Many Americans would be startled to see a female bear in the corner office, but why? What about a female bear taking charge is so strange? After all, when female bears do manage to get into offices, they always make their mark, if not on the success of the business itself, then on the tallest employee who they will view as a threat and attempt to shame into retreat through aggressive territorial humping. Isn’t it about time corporate America got shaken up?
We have a long way to go, but if we continue to work towards shattering the glass ceiling, I believe that in my lifetime we will see a female bear in the White House.